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How the client earned more than $2000 in one day on the Pirate token by searching for wallets using filters

How the client earned more than $2000 in one day on the Pirate token by searching for wallets using filters
Authors: CryptON

Our client shared a case study of how they managed to earn using our wallet search service with filters.

Using the wallet search with filters, I earned on the $Pirate token, based on actions of a DEX trader. On June 13, the Gate.io exchange announced the listing of the $Pirate token. After trading started, I noticed interest from DEX traders. By applying wallet search filters, I found an address that showed promising results within its first 10 days. I mirrored its purchases, and these simple actions brought me profits exceeding $2000 per day.

Our subscriber applied the following search filters:

  • Minimum volume of $20,000
  • Purchase date of June 13, 2024

You can review the search request from our client here.

In my field of view was a wallet that bought $48K or $215K worth of $Pirate.

How the client earned more than $2000 in one day on the Pirate token by searching for wallets using filters

Figure 1 - Transactions from the found wallet by our user

I followed their purchases.

You can view the transactions from our subscriber's found wallet here.

The first major sales were already on the next day.

How the client earned more than $2000 in one day on the Pirate token by searching for wallets using filters

Figure 2 - Transactions from the found wallet by ArbitrageScanner user

More than 100K or 45% of the purchased $Pirate tokens were transferred to another wallet

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