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The best tools for blockchain analysis and convenient cryptocurrency arbitrage

BenefitArbitrage Scanner between CEX and DEX exchanges, spot + futures, and futures + futures, which sends ready-made spreads indicating where to buy, where to sell, and the potential profit. Tracking funding. We support 40+ exchanges, including DEX exchanges.
BenefitWallet analysis, mass search, AI analysis, and notifications of all transactions. Search by filters for wallets that earn, for example, over $100,000 per month
BenefitA service that allows you to stay ahead of the news and receive insights before they are published in the media
Screener between CEX and DEX exchanges
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Spot-futures arbitrage and funding tracking
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Wallets search by filters
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Wallets Analysis
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AI similar wallets search
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Arbitrage Scanner
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Tg Scanner and TG Live Screener (Message)
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Below is a more detailed description of the products included in our ecosystem.
Our goal is to provide you with a variety of useful tools for the crypto market at a single price.
Arbitrage Perpetuals and Funding Earnings
This type of arbitrage has replaced p2p arbitrage, operating without cards and requiring only USDT. We work exclusively with top exchanges and track differences using various filters (see screenshot). We support spot+futures, futures+futures, and futures+spot. The service shows where to buy tokens, at what price, and where to short with 1x leverage, including volume, pair lifetime, and funding rate for extra earnings. This is currently the most profitable type of arbitrage. Our clients catch spreads of 15-25% per round and publicly earn at least 10% of their total assets per month. See the results in our case studies.
Example of a client case: during a sharp price increase/decrease, the disparity between spot and futures becomes more pronounced than between spot and spot, due to many traders using high leverage. A client bought on spot at $1.8452 and at the same time shorted on another exchange at $2.0324. The client then waited for the prices to converge, earning funding fees every 8 hours, averaging 0.15% each time, or 0.45% daily in addition to the arbitrage profit. When the prices equalized, the client earned 10% from arbitrage plus 6% from funding over 2-3 weeks, in total it is over 15% in 3 weeks. This is more profitable than staking USDT at 9% per annum.
Arbitrage Screener
Our screener shows the price difference between exchanges and DEXs. For this method of earning, you don't need to buy tokens in advance, you need only USDT. Thanks to our service and their own analysis, our clients can make profit from this method of arbitrage. The principle is very simple: you can buy a coin on one exchange, transfer it to another where the price is higher, and sell it there to make money on the price difference.
Here’s an example with XRP, which had doubled in price within one hour. Most of our clients didn’t hold it. There was a sharp price increase, and the spread between major exchanges was up to 10-15% per round. Our screener indicated this, and every one of our clients could have executed a trade and earned well.

This product has many features, such as matching withdrawal networks, withdrawal fees, spread lifetime, liquidity, and percentage difference. We provide all these features to our clients because beginners might make mistakes, seeing large percentages without clear instructions. One client’s record: they made 150% of their deposit in one day.
Cryptocurrency Arbitrage Scanner
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You can connect any exchange, including DEX exchanges, to track currency price differences.
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For an additional fee, you can always connect any exchange for tracking you want to work with, without waiting in line.
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A convenient CMS where you can set up new pairs for tracking with your custom template in just a couple of minutes, without installing applications — all work is done in your Telegram. Our managers will assist in setting everything up according to your needs.
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Working with a personal manager, introductory educational materials, ready-made cases and best practices on how our bot can be used in arbitrage.
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During the use of the service, you can get access to a private chat, where are experienced arbitrators who can help you and share interesting earning strategies.
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We are aware of various cases where competitors were hacked and clients' funds were stolen. To prevent such situations, we have kept only a manual bot, which ensures the safety of your funds.
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How does the Arbitrage Scanner work
Arbitrage Scanner does not work with your money. We do not connect to your exchange balances via API, and you do not link your wallets anywhere. It's a fully manual bot operating in the cloud for the safety of your money.
Crypto wallet analysis
We provide the widest tool on the market for analyzing on-chain data and wallets across different blockchains. Every day, tens of thousands of people earn significant profits in the cryptocurrency market. Through our service, you can analyze any wallet to obtain data such as earnings, WinRate, and PNL. Analyze each coin, track when the selected wallet bought and sold them, add them to collections, and monitor their actions through push notifications.

You can also remove unnecessary transactions, such as arbitrage or "special" transactions that make WinRate lower. With the new settings, you can save them in collections for finding similar wallets through artificial intelligence, not to mention 50 different wallet analysis points.
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For example, one of our clients used the AI similar wallet search to find a wallet that bought XRP an hour before the announcement of Ripple's victory in court. The client analyzed the wallet through our service and realized that this wallet consistently bought coins right before their price increased, earning substantial profits. Our analysis tools revealed this pattern. The client added this wallet to his watchlist and tracked all its activities, earning over $5,000 in two weeks. It’s a great tool for monitoring wallets with successful trades, analyzing them, and making informed decisions.
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Search for similar wallets through AI
With this tool, you can use artificial intelligence to find similar wallets from your collection. For example, if you found wallets through a bulk search that invested in major coins before they increased in price, and you want to find more similar wallets. You add them to our tool, the AI will identify similar wallets based on dozens of criteria, allowing you to learn and understand their blockchain activities.
This is a very easy way to find insider wallets or top traders with strategies that interest you. Currently, we use 272 criteria for finding similar wallets, and the AI will find the wallets you need.
Wallets Search Similar
There are many use cases for this tool. Using AI, you can find new wallets of known insiders, as their behavior patterns may repeat, even without interacting with primary wallets, which regular filters cannot detect. You can also find creators of new coins, as they follow similar principles, allowing you to identify and counter their strategies.
This method helps you find similar successful wallets and study their strategies through our analytics and get free education in schemes that no one has openly talked about yet, and much more.
Wallets Search Similar
Mass wallet analysis
With this tool, you can analyze wallets and find new similar ones based on numerous criteria. You receive free education on the crypto market, with graphs showing all details. You can then delete unnecessary wallets, save the relevant ones, and send selected wallets for similar searches via AI.
This tool allows you to quickly and easily find interesting wallets for analysis. The AI uses 272 criteria to find wallets that closely match your selected ones. It’s a fast and easy way to obtain new wallets for detailed analysis.
Wallets Mass Analysis
Our client conducted a mass analysis of the behavior of large whales accumulating Jasmy tokens after important technology news was released. By finding addresses on the blockchain and placing them into a mass wallet analysis, he observed that whales were strengthening their positions. He noted that approximately
47M Jasmy tokens, worth $971K, were transferred to these wallets. The strengthening of positions by major holders prompted him to buy the token. Today, the client has fully recouped his investment and holds free tokens generating over $7,000+ in profit!
Wallets Mass Analysis
Subscriptions and collections
Wallet subscriptions is a service that sends real-time notifications of transactions occurring on selected wallets directly to your Telegram channel. With flexible filters, you can set up notifications for all types of transactions, as well as their directions. This allows you to monitor the complete activity of the wallet(s) you are interested in.
You will be the first to know what smart traders, funds, or whales are buying. This gives you an advantage by understanding which sectors and/or tokens major holders are targeting.
One of our users subscribed to DWF market maker actions through our "Subscriptions" service and earned significant profit on the Jasmy token.
He discovered DWF wallets in the market makers collection and set up a Telegram bot to receive transaction notifications. Upon receiving a notification of a $2M transfer in Jasmy tokens on Binance on April 12th, he invested $20,000. Soon after, the token price rose by 60%, allowing the user to realize a profit of $12,000.
Arbitrage Scanner Message
ArbitrageScanner Message is a service that allows you to be the first to know about news before it is released in the media and profit from insights. Or find your clients through search keywords in chats.
The bot constantly monitors chats and channels, and if the queries you need are found you receive notifications in your Telegram channel. We monitor Telegram channels and chats as well as Reddit
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On 19th May TORN token smart contract was hacked. Many chats have been buzzing about the anomalous activity on DEXes and proving that something sketchy is going on. While the price of TORN was slowly dropping it took 3 days for the mass media to notice it, after that - the price chart went straight down
If you added alerts for this coin and thematic chats in TG-Live, you could analyze the situation and sell the coin at a good price, or go short on the exchange, profiting from market downturns.
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NFT Scanner
NFT scanner is a tool that helps you to identify opportunities for NFT flipping. Since the price of NFTs is influenced by the rarity of each item in the collection, there is always a possibility to find a rare item that is highly undervalued and sell it for more shortly after.
With an NFT scanner, you can set up alerts for rare items appearing at low prices, or for instance, if someone accidentally lists an item at a low price (mistakenly typing a digit), you can acquire the desired NFT collection at a price ten times lower.
Also NFT scanner will help you to capitalise on collections listings, when the price skyrockets for a small time.
One of our clients had been interested in the Pudgy Penguins collection long before it became widely popular.
In September, when the average price for the TOP-10% of items was around 6.5 ETH, he received a notification about an NFT selling for just 4.38 ETH. After purchasing it, within 20 hours, he was able to sell his token for 4.9 ETH. This resulted in a $1,000 net profit with minimal risk!
During the NFT hype, tokens from the BAYC collection were selling for hundreds of thousands of dollars. However, the biggest profits were made not by holders but by flippers. When an OpenSea user decided to sell his NFT for $300,000, he made a mistake with the zeros and sold it for only $3,000. The NFT was immediately bought out and listed for auction at a price 100 times higher. With our service, you can track such situations easily—just set up filters and receive notifications.

Choose your plan

Why ArbitrageScanner.io is the best crypto arbitrage bot?
We’ve analyzed the market and we can say that this is the best ArbitrageScanner today: Reasonable price, supports a large number of CEX, DEX exchanges and blockchains, simple intuitive operation, no API required, there are really working cases for arbitrage, useful yield calculator on website, training for beginners, generous referral program, it’s possible to buy franchise business, it’s possible to get your own VIP manager, positive feedback from clients.
We definitely recommend trying this bot yourself.
Het belangrijkste voordeel van ArbitrageScanner is dat het spreads laat zien tussen dex- en blockchain-uitwisselingen. Er zijn nog geen analogen van dergelijke bots op de markt, dus deze scanner verdient de eerste plaats in onze beoordeling. Het grote voordeel is dat ArbitrageScanner een handmatige bot is en werkt zonder uw API te vragen, zodat ze uw saldo niet kunnen zien en niet weten welke munten u vasthoudt en ze op geen enkele manier kunnen opnemen. Het verschil volgen tussen 50 CEX- en 25 DEX-uitwisselingen in 40 blockchains. Zelfconfigurerende bot, waardoor je meldingen kunt ontvangen op de momenten die jij wilt op de exchanges die jij kiest. Gemak, eenvoud en veelzijdigheid is ArbitrageScanner. Daarom kunnen we deze scanner aanbevelen voor gebruik.
The ArbitrageScanner is a powerful tool that allows traders to take advantage of price differences across multiple exchanges and blockchains. It supports over 50 centralized exchanges, 25 decentralized exchanges, and 40 blockchains. Arbitrage Scanner Bot seems poised to make a lasting impression on the sector and become one of the best arbitrage scanners.
The ArbitrageScanner tem highlights the product as unique and valuable, as it can help you take advantage of the large spreads between DEXes. You can just hold coind for a long time, connect the bot and wait for the spreads to cover the subscription cost with one transaction. You can also get free trading training between DEXes.
As always, do your own research before investing. Talk to their team, find other users who have used it for a long time, and make an informed decision. This is not investment advice. Be aware that investing in cryptocurrency involves high risk.
Recommendation for use
Sui risultati della nostra analisi, possiamo confermare che il bot è affidabile e funzionante e puoi guadagnare su di esso, lo consideriamo il miglior scanner del mondo, noi stessi lo usiamo e raccomandiamo tutti. Come abbiamo visto, l’arbitraggio su criptovalute può offrire un mezzo efficace per trarre profitto dalle discrepanze di prezzo esistenti tra i vari exchange. Con il supporto di piattaforme come ArbitrageScanner.io, i trader possono monitorare costantemente queste differenze di prezzo e sfruttarle a loro vantaggio. Tuttavia, è fondamentale ricordare che, nonostante i vantaggi, l’arbitraggio comporta anche dei rischi.
Recommendation for use
Tanulmányoztuk a projektről szóló véleményeket, és teszteltük a bot munkáját. 2023-ban az ArbitrageScanner a legjobb szolgáltatásnak bizonyult a kriptopénz arbitrázs stratégiákhoz. A versenytársaitól eltérően korlátlan számú érmét és tőzsdét (CEX és DEX) támogat. A projekt nemcsak a professzionális arbitrázs kereskedők, hanem a befektetők számára is érdekes megoldás. Beállítható a portfólióhoz tartozó érmékre vonatkozó spread keresés, ami még a medve piacon is nyereséget eredményezhet. A csomag megvásárlása után az ügyfelek hozzáférést kapnak egy alap- vagy haladó tanfolyamhoz és 70 kész profittermelő felhasználási esethez. A szkenner csapata ingyenesen teszi ezt elérhetővé, ha a kereskedő előfizet egy csomagra. Az ArbitrageScanner lehetőséget ad arra, hogy jó pénzt keressen a kriptovaluta kereskedő különösebb erőfeszítés nélkül. Ezért ajánljuk használatra.
ArbitrageScanner, piyasadaki arbitraj ticareti için en iyi hizmettir. ArbitrageScanner ile 40’tan fazla CEX ve DEX üzerindeki herhangi bir parayı takip edebilirsiniz. Otomatik bir bot yerine manuel bir bot kullanmanızı tavsiye ederiz – bu şekilde paranızı kendiniz kontrol edebilirsiniz ve güvenli olacaktır. Yararlı bir verim hesaplayıcı, botun rahatlığı ve hızı (her 4 saniyede bir bildirim alabilirsiniz), diğer kullanıcılarla özel sohbet ve botla çalışmaya başlamadan önce alacağınız 70’ten fazla başarılı durum. DEX arasında işlem yapmak şu anda para kazanmanın en karlı yollarından biridir ve ArbitrageScanner harika bir yardımcıdır. Botun güvenilir olduğunu söyleyebiliriz ve size tavsiye edebiliriz. Kaydolun, test edin ve sonuçlarınızı paylaşın!
Tier-1 Media of Indonesia
Recommendation for use
Kesimpulan Sejauh ini, ArbitrageScanner adalah satu-satunya sistem pelacak yang mempermudah arbitrage crypto dalam hal fungsionalitas dan fitur bagi pengguna. Pun lagi, program ini tak hanya berfaedah untuk arbitrage tetapi juga untuk menyimpan aset di blockchain yang berbeda. Sangat disarankan untuk menggunakan bot manual daripada yang otomatis, karena lebih mudah mengontrol uang Anda dan akan aman. Hubungkanlah bot manual, dan Anda akan menerima pemberitahuan setiap 4 detik dan diberitahu tentang perubahan kurs antara DEX. ArbitrageScanner kini kian lazim digunakan dengan beragam use case positif, yang memperkuat peluang untuk meraih cuan yang signifikan. ArbitrageScanner adalah alat yang hebat untuk melacak spread antar bursa, yang merupakan cara yang menjanjikan untuk menghasilkan uang saat ini. Setelah mempelajari sendiri proyek tersebut, kami merekomendasikan bot untuk digunakan oleh pembaca kami. ArbitrageScanner adalah alat yang cukup efektif untuk melacak perbedaan harga antara bursa crypto, sehingga dapat dianggap sebagai cara yang menjanjikan menghasilkan cuan.
Recommendation for use
Tier-1 Media
Recommendation for use
The best bot
Recommendation for use
Tier-1 Media
Recommendation for use
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In this webinar, we showcased over 70 use cases of our software.
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We are willing to pay up to 50% of each sale and 10% of WhiteLabel sales. The most generous affiliate program.
Do you have a YouTube channel, Telegram group, website, or blog? Join our affiliate program! Contact us on @aff_arbitragescanner or via email at info@arbitragescanner.io
Whitelabel Arbitrage Scanner
Would you like a ready-made business with full server support and technical assistance on your own domain, allowing you to earn 100% of all sales and pay only for the API?
Contact us and we can set up our servers on your domain. You won't have to worry about anything, as we will take care of all support. Our franchise project is available at a starting price of 19999$. Send us a message to learn more.
If you have any questions, we’d be happy to answer them
IMPORTANT! We are software developers. We do not give recommendations and promises regarding earnings, we do not advise you where to invest your money, and we do not work with your money in any way. Our software is completely manual, and all your money is only under your personal control. We provide examples of how our clients earned on arbitrage in the past, but we do not advise you to repeat their actions exactly. Your earnings depend solely on your actions and market factors. The ArbitrageScanner team is not responsible for your results.