A tool that allows you to simultaneously study the actions of multiple cryptocurrency wallets and identify common strategies, behavioral patterns, and statistical data.
The bulk wallet analysis feature allows you to:
Using this data, you can find tokens most likely to grow by 150+% and make informed investment decisions based on the behavior of experienced traders.
A client used large transaction analysis from the Coinbase exchange to identify key wallets actively trading the 1INCH token. He added the discovered wallets to the bulk analysis tool to study the combined assets and trading activity of related addresses.
The service revealed large inflows of the 1INCH token totaling $1.14M and $1.01M among several wallets simultaneously – this suggested that one owner was behind all addresses. Based on the activity of this major capital, which accumulated 1INCH worth $2.15M by September 3, the client invested $25,000 in the token.
The very next day, the token demonstrated a +25% growth, earning the client $6,250 in net profit within a day.