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Maintaining Trader's Personal Statistics

Maintaining Trader's Personal Statistics
Authors: Leo

Personal Statistics

If you approach the process responsibly, statistics can help you analyze mistakes and improve your strategy by identifying what was done incorrectly.

For your convenience, we have developed a table that you can use for these purposes — you can copy it here.

Maintaining Trader's Personal Statistics

USDT in the trade – the total amount of funds invested in both spot and futures.

To collect statistics on spot trading, you need to go to the trade history and download an Excel file with the information. However, for the Huobi (HTX) exchange, the process is more complicated:

  1. Go to the trade history, copy all the information, transfer it to Google Sheets/Excel, and delete canceled orders.
    Maintaining Trader's Personal Statistics
    Maintaining Trader's Personal Statistics
  2. Volume – the number of coins you intended to buy at a set price.
  3. Executed – the number of coins actually purchased at the set price.

Maintaining Trader's Personal Statistics

Since Google Sheets cannot process values with decimal points, replace all dots with commas.

Maintaining Trader's Personal Statistics

In column F, at the bottom, enter =SUM, select the column, and get the total amount of all purchases.

Maintaining Trader's Personal Statistics
Repeat the same steps for column H.

Now, to calculate the average price, click on any empty cell, type =, select the cell with the total from column F, enter the divide sign (/), and then select the cell with the total number of coins (H).

Maintaining Trader's Personal Statistics

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Maintaining Trader's Personal Statistics

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