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Collections by ArbitrageScanner

Collections by ArbitrageScanner
Authors: CryptON

We explain how to use collections from ArbitrageScanner

Collections – a convenient feature for analyzing wallets that regularly participate in pumps and accumulation of promising tokens.

In this section, you will find:

  1. List of fund wallets (Fund) – a list of wallets of influential market makers;
  2. Celebrities list[2] (Celebrities) – a register of influential personalities;
  3. Holders (Holders) – a catalog of the largest holders of specific tokens;
  4. Protocol treasuries (Protocol treasuries) – a list of wallets related to various protocols or blockchains. (Liquid stakes – COMP; DEX exchanges – UNI, etc.).
  5. ArbitrageScanner collections (ArbitrageScanner collections) – wallets that we independently analyze based on the maximum holder profit principle in tokens.

To get started, you need to perform three simple actions:

  • Select an interesting section from the available ones;
  • Open the analysis of wallet(s) (Open analysis);
  • Start analyzing the wallet using Wallet analysis.

Collections by ArbitrageScanner

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